Anamap Blog

Analytics Maps Will Turbocharge Your Insights



Alex Schlee


Data Analytics Knowledge A Better Way

Analytics is the way that we measure the performance of our organizations but if you don't know which measurements you have available it's hard to maximize your organization's ability to drive positive change. Using an analytics map makes it easier for the analysts and stakeholders in your business to understand the story of your data and use those insights to propel your organization to greater heights.

Analytics Map Benefits

Whether you choose to go a more traditional route for your analytics mapping via spreadsheets or you decide to embrace visual analytics mapping with Anamap there are many benefits for everyone who is involved in the data analytics.

  • Creating a visual analytics map helps to spread the knowledge about what events and attributes (also called properties) are available to use for reporting or exploration. Many organizations have a singular person or singular team that holds all of this knowledge which makes it harder to spread. These visual analytics maps also make your implementation knowledge less prone to tribal knowledge related to key employees leaving.
  • Maps can also act as a form of analytics contract with your engineering teams which makes it easier to understand when data collection has changed or become broken.
  • Because there is documentation about which events and attributes are tracked analysts can more easily find additional avenues of investigation and exploration to find stories in your data that haven't been told. Maybe there is an under utilized attribute in your events that shows how two groups of users behave entirely different and it was only discovered thanks to an analyst noticing it in an analytics map.
  • The discoverability of the data schema means that anyone from across your organization can become an analyst. The knowledge of which events to use or which attributes are available can be shared with everyone. Any stakeholder can look into the data to find meaningful insights which means they aren't taxing the analytics team, who frequently ends up as a bottleneck. This additional free time for your analytics team means they are able to spend more time on deeper analysis and less time on reporting which means more insights and more productivity for your organization or business.

Visual Analytics Map (Anamap) Benefits

Historically, businesses relied on spreadsheets to keep track of what data was being collected, on which pages of their site, and where that data went. These spreadsheets were cumbersome both for the people maintaining them and also for the end users trying to decipher them. Anamap was created with the core concept that making your organization's analytics implementation easier to understand would mean faster insights with fewer stumbling blocks. Here are some reasons using a visual analytics map is better than a standard spreadsheet-based solution design document (or equivalent).

  • It's visual. This might seem obvious but providing users something that's more visually organized makes it easier for them to userstand what they are seeing and make use of it. Reading a spreadsheet map of data analytics implementation can make someone's eyes glaze over. Most spreadsheets look the same and it's difficult to find the page or event you're interested in. Making the map visual means it's easy to identify pages and events quickly, see how they are interconnected, and understand what attributes are being collected.
  • It's relationship driven (in a database). All the attributes, events, and views (pages) are centralized so that changes do not need to be copied multiple times across a document when one thing is changed. This is a common pitfall of traditional methods of keeping track of this information and results in documents becoming more and more inaccurate over time. The relational structure of Anamap means people will need to spend less time on maintennance and creates a cleaner data environment.
  • It's packed with tools to make building maps easier. Tools like the built-in site crawler and live screenshot feature make it easy to get started creating views for your company and to make sure the image representing your page is always up-to-date.
  • There's growth pontential. Having all your data mapped in one place (along with the relationships between everything) means the data schema can be used for many different things. In the future, Anamap may be able to connect with your Customer Data Platform (CDP) of your Analytics Platform to help manage your data plan. It could also be connected with an AI agent to help answer any questions users may have where they'd prefer a more conversational way to get the information.

Should My Company Create An Analytics Map?

Yes, 100% without question. No matter which analytics platform you're using like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Amplitude, Mixpanel, or an entirely different data collection system mapping your analytics is a worthy endeavor. The efficiencies it provides in gaining those valuable insights can forever change the trajectory of your organization.


Alex Schlee


Alex Schlee is the founder of Anamap and has experience spanning the full gamut of analytics from implementation engineering to warehousing and insight generation. He's a great person to connect with about anything related to analytics or technology.